The band Swift Kick started off as a three piece band back in the early 80’s with the original members being lead singer and guitar player Gene Schmitz, base guitarist Bryce Bird and Drummer Bill Bird. The group has played on and off for the past two decades.
Currently the band has six members with the new members being Tim Bohnencamp lead guitar and vocal, Roddy Dull lead guitar and vocal and Phil Carley keyboards, sax and vocals.
The band plays mostly classic country and old rock and roll and is known for their amazing harmony. Currently the group plays mostly for private parties and festivals but occasionally still plays clubs.
The band members currently enjoy a variety of different types of occupations from truck driving to construction work but Tim works regularly as a performing musician. He is a solo act called “Tim and the Floppy Cowboys”.
For bookings you can contact Tim on his myspace website through the following link.