Unlike the award shows that you would see on national television you won’t see the recipients of this award strolling down the red carpet. They won’t be getting a bright and shiny trophy to put on their mantle and what’s sad is that they won’t have a chance to publicly express how much they appreciated all of us fans that listened to them perform and whole heartedly enjoyed the contribution they made to the music industry.

Live Music USA would like to recognize the following musicians and vocalist for their life long commitment to entertaining all of us at the home town level. In the park, at the fair, in church, at weddings, anniversaries, birthdays or just at our favorite bar down the street. Without their desire and talent the art of “Live Music” would have eluded us all. May these artists always be admired and remembered and may ‘Live Music “live on abundantly until the end of time.




Byron Frey miller     -    Singer / Guitarist   - Inducted November 1st. 2013